Starting the Year Off on the Right Note
It’s fall. It’s officially September, and the time for “Welcome Back” events is upon us. This could be Welcome Back to School, Welcome Back to our theater/programming series, Welcome Back to those that disappear to the back woods, Europe or Florida over the summer and surface again this month. We hope you enjoyed your summer, and are ready to get back at it, programming and attending the best concerts, comedians, speakers, and more.
If you were lucky, you were able to take in some festivals this summer. If you weren’t lucky, here are some reviews that you might want to check out:
Either way, it’s time to regroup and start fresh with your peers. Here are few ways we recommend getting to know fellow committee members:
*Take the Meyers-Briggs tests here:
Compare results, and take the time to read up about your peers and those you work the closest with. It can’t hurt to learn a little more about them, not to mention learn more about yourself in the process.
*Answer these ice breaker questions:
*Discuss what new music you added to your playlists this summer and why. Meanwhile, check out our playlist (link to our Spotify). Discuss any summer festivals you attended and what your favorite performances were.
*Or, you can always attempt trust falls (we don’t actually recommend this one).
Get settled, get to know your peers, and get excited because “Welcome Back” time is upon us. There is no better time than now to come to the table with new ideas, new perspectives, and new initiatives. And there is no better time than now to be open to new ideas, new perspectives, and new initiatives from others. Let us know your ideas, questions, concerns, hopes and dreams for this season of programming, and we’d be happy to help you through your planning process.
Visit our website here to create your own artist wishlist to share with your team!